Diy Stitched Stuff Notecard

I was rummaging through my cloth stash for invitee room pillow possibilities, as well as I constitute a petty slice of this vintage print. Tiny uniformed guards — then cute! I stiffened the fabric, printed a quote onto evidently cotton fiber amongst my inkjet printer, as well as stitched the whole plant together amongst a newspaper insert for writing a message. The best agency to brand potent cloth that I've constitute is to purpose Stiffen Stuff (I bought this bottle at Michael's). Mist both sides of the cloth until it's damp. H5N1 plastic garbage handbag makes a proficient run surface for this. Then permit the cloth air dry, or for immediate results, microwave it on a newspaper towel for most xxx seconds or until dry. Don't worry if the cloth gets crumpled upwards equally your turntable spins it around. Press it amongst an Fe until it's prissy as well as flat. See? The cloth should stand upwards up past times itself. If yours feels besides floppy, mist ...