Upcycle Onetime Hoodies Into Pillows!

I've seen sweaters turned into pillow covers. Why non plough zip-up hoodies into pillow covers, too? Look at all those pockets! Perfect for keeping an emergency Kleenex stash piece watching hapless movies! A Big Thank You goes to Amanda Formaro ( Crafts past times Amanda as well as Fun Family Crafts ) for promoting this projection on Facebook! Did yous stain the sleeves of your favorite hoodie? No worries - plough it into a pillow cover! Since knits don't fray, I decided to run upwardly this pillow amongst incorrect sides together as well as a unmarried seam - no turning within out! You volition need: Zippered hoodie Throw pillow that fits within the hoodie Scissors and/or rotary cutter, ruler as well as cutting mat Sewing machine Zip the hoodie halfway up. Cut off the sleeves, collar, as well as waistband. Cut through the zippers. Trim until yous teach a square. With incorrect sides together, pivot roughly the square. Make certain t...