Pool Noodle Door Stop!

No to a greater extent than slammed doors! Make your ain Pool Noodle Door Stoppers! I don't know who came upwardly amongst the persuasion to brand door stoppers out of puddle noodles ... but they are a genius! You volition need: Pool noodle Saw, knife or other sudden arts and crafts blade Fine grit sandpaper - 320 or higher Saw off a department of puddle noodle - I cutting a 10 inch slice. Make ane lengthwise cutting from the exterior into the inner hollowed-out circle. Now expect at the goal of the puddle noodle. You'll desire to cutting a triangle from each side of the cutting you lot only made. From the ends, the cutting volition expect similar a raindrop. This cutting volition brand the cutting ends "hug" the door improve than ane right away cut! Sand the cutting ends amongst fine-grit sandpaper. Push the cutting border onto the door! Find novel sources of PinSpiration at the next web...