Diy Cardigan Clips

Hello, friend! Cardi clips tin add together a much-needed flake of whimsy to an outfit and proceed your cardigan from slipping off of your shoulder. Grab some sometime jewelry together with brand a twain for yourself, your mom or to sell at a arts and crafts fair! You volition need: 1 or ii Pairs of Pliers Wire Cutter Necklace or Bracelet Chain Screw-On Earrings Jump Rings Clean jewelry amongst a tiny flake of infant shampoo together with as footling H2O every bit possible . Carefully dry out amongst a soft textile or blow-dry on a "low" setting. Find a twain of screw-in, clip on earrings. I similar these daisy ones I constitute at Junk Bonanza. If necessary, accept the pendants off of your necklace/bracelet chain. Just purpose a pliers to opened upwards the restrain rings together with skid them off of the chain. Decide how long you'd similar your chain to be. Don't worry if you lot arrive besides long/too short. It's ac...