Pine Cone Clumps

Pine Cone Clumps. 

Fancy name, right? I aim to please. 

These volition add together a fighting of vacation flare to wreaths, ornaments, presents, cards or napkin rings
You tin either purchase pino cones or scavenge inwards the peachy outdoors. If you lot scavenge, soak the cones overnight inwards H2O alongside a splash of bleach. Dry thoroughly earlier using. Spray alongside an acrylic sealer.

  • Pine Cones
  • Floral Wire
  • Wire Cutter

Use a wire cutter to snip off a four inch slice of wire (if you're using tiny cones. Cut a longer slice for larger cones). The wire is from Walmart, $3/spool.

Bend the halt of the wire merely about your finger. It should expect similar a candy cane.

Place the crook of the candy cane into the bottom department of the cone.

How it should expect from the bottom:

 Push the brusque halt of the wire (the crook) into the cone.

Wrap the long halt of the wire i time merely about the cone. The wrapped wire should disappear into the cone, leaving a trailing tail.

 Repeat alongside 2 to a greater extent than cones. Twist the long wires together.

 Pine Cone Clump!


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